Holy Prophet (PBUH) Favorite Vegetable and Its Tremendous Benefits

The holy Prophet (PBUH) liked dates in eating, and Pumpkin in vegetables. Hazrat Aysha says that, Holy prophet liked to eat Pumpkin during the season of Pumpkin. This vegetable dryness. Medical experts of the fourth century in which Bu Ali Sina, Mosa bin Khalid and Hussain bin Ishaq are top of the list, has said about the uses of Pumpkin that, “we are surprised that this vegetable has lots of advantages”. Dry the zest of pumpkin and burn it too brown color, use this on the wounds of a sword or knife. This stop the bleeding.Holy Prophet (PBUH) Favorite Vegetable

Curry of this vegetable gives energy against different diseases. For example, this precious thing is for demonstrating nervous energy. In summer season many children get suffer from fever, aching eyes and irritation, in this situation to get rid of this problem take the zest of Pumpkin and put it in the cavity of the children. After repeating this process children safe from different diseases in summer. The twig of pumpkin place under your teeth if they are sweet in taste then pumpkin will be very tasty. If it is bitter in taste, then it is used in drops for the stomach gastric problem.

Dates and Pumpkin and Its Tremendous Benefits.[adsense]Holy Prophet (PBUH) Favorite Vegetable (2)