Flip Page-The Mathematical Dictionary in Six Languages

The Mathematical Dictionary in Six Languages

This dictionary aims to give value to that knowledge, connecting universal math symbols to the languages of students’ old and new homes. Combining the educational and translation experiences of SolidarityNow. it is meant as a tool for students and teachers alike and uses the students’ existing knowledge to give them the words necessary to succeed in the Greek school system. while at the same time giving the math teachers the means to make their lessons accessible to all students.The Mathematical Dictionary in Six Languages

Irrespective of their linguistic background, whether it is Urdu, Farsi, Arabic, Turkish, or English. These multi-way translations, coupled with the corresponding mathematical symbols, aim to utilize the mathematical common ground of teachers and students to build a bridge across their respective languages. Overcoming the language barrier, the ultimate goal is to help them forge new learning paths ahead. [adsense]